I haven't updated in a while, so you may think I'm not working on the site as much- but you're wrong! I'm actually just coding until I get really tired and then can't be bothered to make an update post.
I've been adding pages at lightning speed, and I'm so excited to debut some new ones- namely the cd collection and the manga library! Both of which can be found along with a media log on the media homepage.
The CD Collection has gotta be the most advanced thing I've coded yet. But I'm thrilled with it and so excited to share it with the world! The media log was also very hard to code, and was my first time learning how to integrate google sheets into an html page. Tricky stuff. I almost gave up!
Go see these pages for yourself and show them some love!
I've added a lot to the homescreen in the last two days- nav links, a little about section, some decoration.
I think I'm getting too hung up on trying to acomplish really big steps right off the bat.
I'm going to start moving onto other pages instead of obsessing over everything being perfect before I take another step. I set up the blog page today, go give it a looksies!
Today is day 6 and I have 43 visitors?! Did I read that right?? Must be me refreshing so much. Thank you! ☺
I spent all day trying to fix that chatbox on mobile. I think I got it okay (not perfect) for now.
Added this updatelog too! Yipee! I can write!
Tomorrow I'm going to work a little more on the homepage and fix the visitor number on mobile. Right now is day 4 and I have 26 visitors! Thank you!
Gaby made a tiny website!
And now it's growing.
I spruced up the header and added both a chat and a visitor counter!
I hope you'll enjoy getting to interact with my bare bones website.
Cbox size on smaller + mobile screens
Visitor count size on smaller + mobile screens